I remember meeting Aja and Taylor for the first time and thinking, wow, these two have got things together! They were so level headed in their wedding planning and the questions they had asked during our consultation. You could tell they not only had a vision for their wedding day, but for their marriage as […]

I boarded the plane to fly to Albuquerque, New Mexico. All of my camera gear stored safely in my carry on camera bag. I literally did not let go of the handle of my camera gear until I had climbed in the rental car. (I am a little neurotic sure, but who can blame me! […]

I don’t know how I could be more thrilled to make this announcement! This years wedding giveaway contest has blown me away. There were so many fantastic couples that entered and shared with us a little of their story. With anticipation we randomly drew 5 semi-finalist. As each name appeared from our generator, I became […]

Well. The counts are in! And we have our finalists! Congrats! We will email you soon!

I have been completely in awe of all of the couples that have entered our 2014 Annual Wedding Giveaway this year! For our grand entry round, we had a total of 295 entries. YES, TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE ENTRIES! It was so nerve racking sitting down to Rafflecopters random generator to pick JUST FIVE […]

This giveaway has been in the works for a long time now and I couldn’t be more thrilled to announce that it is finally here!

It is Valentines. And I shoot couples in love. So I guess that means this day is almost like a wedding photographer national holiday? Debatable, but regardless of how you feel about buying flowers and chocolates today, sometimes it is better to just sit back and realize that most days all you need is love.

The snow was lightly falling. Just enough to give you the romantic feel. NO T the full Utah blizzard feel. Erica and Byron’s day seemed to flow with such ease, which I think should be credited to Erica’s great and studious planning! Her choice of colors of the beautiful yellow brought a little life to […]

There is tons of advice I could give a bride for her wedding day! I feel like there are a million topics I could cover from dresses to details that are often overlooked (that may be a blog post here in the future)…. but today’s simple advice is on that brilliant shining gem sitting on […]

This day was one of my favorite days ever! I am not sure if this proposal could have gone over better. Jared and Stacie had come to “her spot” that overlooks the Salt Lake Valley and Oquirrh Mountain LDS Temple. The team of us were all in place. Yup, TEAM of us. There was our […]